Morocco Under Western Eyes

06 Nov Morocco Under Western Eyes

La Unidad de Estudios Culturales del Centro de Estudios en Ciencias Humanas Sociales de Oujda (Cultural Studies Unit of Oujda Centre for Human & Social Studies and Research) organiza una jornada nacional de estudio sobre la representación de Marruecos en la literatura de viajes occidental, bajo el título Morocco Under Western Eyes: The Representation of Morocco in Western Travel Writings.
Tendrá lugar el sábado, 16 de diciembre de 2017.

Esta jornada pretende dar una oportunidad a los investigadores que trabajan sobre la literatura de viajes o sobre escritos de época colonial o postcolonial de Marruecos para que expongan sus proyectos. Para llevar a cabo una jornada interdisciplinar, se tendrán en cuenta los trabajos de campos diversos, como los estudios de género, ciencias sociales anticulturales y estudios sobre la percepción histórica de la narrativa de viajes occidental sobre Marruecos.

Aquellas personas interesadas en participar, deberán enviar un resumen de su presentación, de 150-250  palabras, junto con el título y cinco palabras clave a uno de los siguientes correos electrónicos: antes del 25 de noviembre de 2017. Los seleccionados recibirán una notificación de aceptación el 1 de diciembre.

La lengua de comunicación será el inglés, pero también serán aceptadas las contribuciones en inglés y árabe.

Información original:

Call for abstracts

The Cultural Studies Unit of Oujda Centre for Human & Social Studies and Research


A National Study Day On:

Morocco Under Western Eyes:

The Representation of Morocco in
Western Travel Writings

Date: Saturday. December 16lli. 2017



Morocco’s geographic location made it an ideal destination for traders, adventurers, and tourists since its early history. However, travel writings were not exclusively produced by travelers and adventurers. Many narratives about Moroccan land and people were written by diplomats, military officials, and captives of both sexes. Additionally. Western narratives about Morocco do not include writings by Europeans who enjoyed geographical proximity alone. In the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries American tourists and diplomats started flowing to North Africa enjoying the welcoming infrastructure and facilities made available by the French and Spanish protectorate administration.

Whether old or recent, travel narratives about Morocco focused mainly on the representation of Moroccan culture, people, and landscape. Weighing by the balance of power, such narratives mainly adopted a degrading tone and highlighted what they considered “backward” Moroccan culture and people. One of the major features of such travel accounts is ambivalence. Discourses of difference were -and still are- the main feature of travel narratives. Denigration of local cultures often gets blurred by a fascination with “exotic» ingredients of the land of the Moors which travelers are trapped in. cither intentionally or unintentionally. However, despite their, oftentimes, biased tendencies, travel narratives about Morocco were also a means to make the country known to a large Western population and. hence, encourage more tourists to come and assess what used to be thought of as a hegemonic canonical and mainstream travel literature.

The aim of this conference is to give an opportunity to scholars of travel literature and/or colonial and post-colonial writings about Morocco to share their research projects in this field. Hopefully, the contributions will feature a variety of approaches and tendencies which take into consideration gender studies, social anti cultural sciences, and historical insights into Western travel narratives about Morocco.

N.B. The primary language of the conference is English hut contributions in French and Arabic are also welcome.

Guidelines for Submission:

Abstracts of 150-250 words with a title position-centered and five keywords should be sent to one of the following emails:

Please note that the abstracts’ submission deadline is November 25″‘. 2017. All abstracts sent after that day won’t be considered for participation. Notification for Abstracts acceptance is December I ’1.

Organising committee:

Keltoumu Gucrch Abdel lab Elboubekri


Scientific Committee:

Dr. Moliamed Elkouchc

Dr. Mohamed Dellal



Descarga aquí el Call for papers de las jornadas Morocco-Under-Westers-Eyes.ocr



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