After Conversion. Iberia and the Emergence of Modernity

03 Oct After Conversion. Iberia and the Emergence of Modernity

Mercedes García-Arenal, Profesora de investigación en el Instituto de Lenguas y Culturas del Mediterráneo y Oriente Próximo (ILC), del Centro de Ciencias Humanas y Sociales(CCHS) perteneciente al CSIC, ha publicado recientemente el libro After Conversion. Iberia and the Emergence of Modernity, Leiden: Brill, 2016, del que es editora.

El libro, cuyo contenido está en acceso abierto a través de la página de Brill, trata las consecuencias religiosas e ideológicas de las conversiones en masa que se produjeron en Iberia a finales del siglo XV y principios del siglo XVI, así como las consecuencias de la coerción en los debates intelectuales y en la producción de conocimiento.

Según se explica en la página web del proyecto CORPI, dirigido por la autora, «This book is based on papers delivered on three panels, with the general title of Conversion and its Intellectual Consequences in Early Modern Iberia, at the meeting of the Renaissance Society of America held in New York in March 2014. Four scholars, including a discussant, took part in each of the three panels. The aim of these panels was to give members of the CORPI project (ERC Grant Agreement number 323316), whose PI is Mercedes García-Arenal, the opportunity to present their work and discuss it with American colleagues before an international audience. It was also an opportunity for senior scholars to engage in dialogue with early stage researchers. In addition to the papers given on these panels (Kimmel, Rodríguez Mediano, Beaver, Tommasino, Wiegers, Szpiech, Pastore, García-Arenal, Pereda), this volume contains a further two papers (Vincent-Cassy and López Fadul) presented on other panels at the same meeting of the RSA that have clear affinities with our own work. Finally, two more contributions by CORPI members (Soto and Starczewska, Fowler) were added to round out the thematic issues presented and discussed at the


After Conversion. Iberia and the Emergence of Modernity


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