Palestine Through its Landscape

06 Feb Palestine Through its Landscape

Danae Fonseca y María Gómez, doctorandas de la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, organizan el panel ‘Palestine Through its Landscape: Memory, Invention and Continuity in the Arts’, que se enmarca en la celebración de la Conferencia anual de la asociación MESA.

Quien esté interesado en participar en este panel, deberá enviar su propuesta de comunicación de 400-500 palabras junto con un título provisional así como una breve biografía (entre 1 y 3 líneas) a los siguientes correos electrónicos: y antes del 8 de febrero.

Si estás interesado en participar en el panel no como ponente, sino como presidente o en calidad de otra figura, puedes indicarlo en el correo electrónico.


Información original

Throughout its history, Palestinian landscape has been represented on countless occasions. From portrayals of the Holy Land in engravings, paintings, literary descriptions and, more recently, films, to touristic and Orientalist landscape depictions or its growing inclusion in the production of local, regional and diaspora artists as of the 1970’s, its presence in the arts is remarkable.
To a certain extent, this has turned depictions of Palestinian landscape into metonymic representations of the land, often marked by clear national and identitarian connotations. These political undertones are particularly evident when considering that territorial claims are an omnipresent subject in Palestine, often articulated from and around its landscape and geography.
The aim of this panel is to further analyze and explore how Palestine is conveyed, formulated and invented through the re-presentation of its multifaceted landscape in the arts. This will be achieved using two starting points or theoretical foundations. On the one hand, the “constructed,” often political, nature of landscape (Wagstaff, M. 1999), and on the other, its conception as a process by which social and subjective identities are formed (Mitchell, W. 2002), and in which invention and memory play an essential role (Said, E. 1999).
Possible topics may include, but are not restricted to:
– 80’s oil landscape paintings.
– Gendered representations of the landscape.
– Palestinian costume as mapping of the landscape.
Tactile landscapes: the incorporation of the land to its representation (90’s movement using
earth, clay, leaves and so on to create landscapes).
– Anthropomorphic landscapes (personification and humanization).
– Cinematic landscapes
1. Landscape as dynamic process.
2. The metamorphosis of landscape: changes and alterations over the time.
3. New media (installation, video) and the representation of landscape through the moving image.
– Natural features as symbols of resistance (cactus, olive tree, etc).
– Science and art: botanical catalogues as artistic pieces.
– Body and landscape: a dialogic relationship. – Continuity and rupture: borders and other fragmentations of landscape.
– Palestine beyond Palestine:
1. Arab world representations of Palestinian landscape (solidarity and symbol of resistance and arabness).
2. Tourist and foreigners’ gaze (orientalism, photography, movies).
 3. Exilic images.
– Biblical landscapes (interpretations of the Holy Land as such in the art).
– Archaeology and landscape.
– Everyday life routines and elements through/of the landscape as articulating elements for an artistic representation.
– Time and space in Palestinian landscape (timeless nostalgic images / present evolution, futuristic representations).
– Utopia in landscape art.
– Landscape narratives: un-neutral representations of landscape and the codification of a discourse.
We are particularly interested in interdisciplinary papers that approach the landscape and the arts but also seek to introduce novel intersections between art, politics and other fields of cultural research. We are hoping to attract 2 to 3 presentations for submission to the Middle East Studies Association Annual Meeting in New Orleans (MESA 2019) as a panel. Those interested in presenting are expected to submit a 400-500 abstract with a tentative title and a brief 1-3-line bio to the following emails: and Those interested in the topic but instead of presenting would rather discuss or chair a panel can indicate so in the email.
Please submit abstract by: Friday, February 8th
The panel is organized by María Gómez and Danae Fonseca. Danae Fonseca is a PhD Candidate in Arabic and Islamic Studies at Autónoma University of Madrid. Her dissertation discusses the intersections on art, gender and nationalism in Palestine. María Gómez is a PhD candidate in Art History at Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Her dissertation explores alternative spatial and carto(bio)graphic representations in contemporary art from the MENA region.
Descarga el Call for papers aquí. 
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